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Where Athletes Train.

4.28.23 Workout of the Day

4.28.23 Workout of the Day

Morning ladies

Red Friday’s
Wear your RED & Remember Everyone Deployed.

Partner Throwdown Friday
5 rounds
15/12 Calorie Bike or ski
15 GHD sit-ups
100 DB snatch (split)
5 rounds
15/12 Calorie Bike or ski
10 burpee pull-ups
100 strict HSPU (split)

Both partners working on opposite movements during 5 round couplets at the same time. Each partner completed all reps for each of the 5 rounds.

Strength (Accessory)
Back Squat
4-4-2-2-1-1, building

Partner Throwdown Friday
AMRAP leapfrog 30
10 Cross-Over (jump rope)
12 Bumper Ground to overhead (45/25)
100 m sprint

Cross-Over Modifications:
20 Dubs/30 singles/ :20 seconds of practice

4 sets
15 GHD sit-ups
:30 second hollow body hold

4.29.23 Workout of the Day

4.29.23 Workout of the Day

4.27.23 Workout of the Day

4.27.23 Workout of the Day