
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

3.31.21 Workout of the Day

3.31.21 Workout of the Day

The gentlemen of 843

Sign ins
Please all continue to sign in as this helps us coaches prep for class & for social distance protocol. We want to accommodate all our members while continuing to respect those that would like to social distance. Thank you all for respecting this & for doing your part.

1. Clean and Jerk Technique
On the every 2:00 x 5 sets
1 Pausing Power Clean
1 Power Clean
1 Pausing Push Jerk
1 Push Jerk
-Percentages listed in Whiteboard-

2. Conditioning, “Wiped Clean”
On the every 4:00 x 5
30 air squats
400 m run
7 Clean & Jerk (115/85)

1.Skill Work : 9 minute EMOM (:30/:30)
Minute 1: jump rope
Minute 2: push-ups
Minute 3: single leg single KB deadlift

2. Conditioning
Max calorie machine.
Every 3:00, (On the 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21
50 DUBS/ 75 singles or line hops
15 eye level KBS (70/53)

4.1.21 Workout of the Day

4.1.21 Workout of the Day

3.30.21 Workout of the Day

3.30.21 Workout of the Day