
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

9.10.21 Workout of the Day

9.10.21 Workout of the Day

Red Friday’s
Wear your RED & Remember Everyone Deployed.

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Please all continue to sign in for classes. We will accommodate all athletes.

Snatch Technique: On the every 1:30 X 5, 2 high hang power snatch + 2 high hang squat snatch

-Percentages listed on whiteboard.-

Conditioning: A. On the 0:00: AMRAP 9
15 T2B
10 Deadlift (115/85)
5 Power Snatch

Conditioning: B. At the 9:00, 6 minute window to build to a heavy single Power Snatch

Team of 2 30 minute leapfrog AMRAP:
20 air squats to medicine ball
15 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull (53/35)
100 m sprint

-Airsquats: Please all continue to move slow & steady here with proper form as the ultimate goal. -

9.11.21 Workout of the Day

9.11.21 Workout of the Day

9.9.21 Workout of the Day

9.9.21 Workout of the Day