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6.1.22 Workout of the Day

6.1.22 Workout of the Day

Murph” Ladies

Kids CrossFit
Kids CrossFit starts today. Ages 5-10 M-W-F for the month of June, 9:30-10:30 AM. Please see Amber for details.

Front Squat 5x5

500 m row
30 Push Press (95/65)
100 DUBS
500 m row
30 Front Squat
100 DUBS
500 m row
30 Thrusters
100 DUBS

4 rounds
A. At the 0:00
15/10 calorie ski or bike
25 abmat sit-ups
B. At the 3:00
15/10 calorie ski or bike
20 KBS (53/35)
C. At the 6:00
15/10 calorie ski or bike
15 burpees to target

Desired stimulus is 2:00 minutes of work with 1:00 minute rest until next set. Modify calories and reps as feel fit.

Sub 300 m run for machine

6.2.22 Workout of the Day

6.2.22 Workout of the Day

5.31.22 Workout of the Day

5.31.22 Workout of the Day