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Where Athletes Train.

12.26.20 Workout of the Day

12.26.20 Workout of the Day

Barbell & Interval
Team of 2, for time
800 m run
6 rounds of “Bergeron Beep Test”
800 m run
6 rounds of “Bergeron Beep Test”
800 m run
6 rounds of “Bergeron Beep Test”

-Run together, alternate rounds, I go you go-

1 round of “Bergeron Beep Test”
7 Thruster
7 pull-ups
7 Burpees

Thruster Barbell weight (75/55)
Thruster Dumbbell weight (35/20’s)

12.28.20 Workout of the Day

12.28.20 Workout of the Day

12.25.20 Workout of The Day

12.25.20 Workout of The Day