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Where Athletes Train.

12.28.20 Workout of the Day

12.28.20 Workout of the Day

Happy Birthday Eric M.

December Challenge
In effort to keep everyone engaged & to hold you all accountable during this holiday season, our December Challenge is to go an “extra mile everyday.” Whether that be running, walking, rowing, skiing, etc. Before or after class, at the gym or at home, just get it done & have some fun with this.

Please continue to sign in as this helps us coaches prep for class & for social distance protocol.

Stamina Squats Final Week 5
On the minute x 16 ( 8 rounds)
Min 1: 1 FS
Min 2: 2 BS

Single barbell, loaded throughout at 82% of 1RM Front Squat.

Conditioning: “Isa-Ball”
12 minute AMRAP
3 power snatch (135/95)
15 Wall balls (20/14)

1. Conditioning
On the every 4:00 x 7 sets
400 m run
1 round of “DT”

1 round “DT”
12 Deadlifts
9 Hang Power Clean
6 push Jerks
Dumbbell 50/35’s

12.29.20 Workout of The Day

12.29.20 Workout of The Day

12.26.20 Workout of the Day

12.26.20 Workout of the Day