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Where Athletes Train.

12.7.20 Workout of the Day

12.7.20 Workout of the Day

Special thanks to these members who volunteered their time to move Hilton Head Christian Academy weight room to Bluffton this past Saturday.

December Challenge
In effort to keep everyone engaged & to hold you all accountable during this holiday season, our December Challenge is to go an “extra mile everyday.” Whether that be running, walking, rowing, skiing, etc. Before or after class, at the gym or at home, just get it done & have some fun with this.

Sign ins
Please continue to sign in as this helps us coaches prep for class. Let’s all make it a 5-day excuse-free week of training.


Stamina Squats
On the minute x 10 (5 rounds)
Min 1: 4 front squats
Min 2: 8 back squats
Single barbell, loaded throughout at 57% of our 1RM Front Squat..
Week 2 of 5 of this squat progression.. Compared to last week, we are reducing 1 Front Squat and 2 Back Squats per set, while increasing total load by 7%.

“No Air”
42 pull-ups
21 power snatches (115/85)
30 C2B
15 OHS
18 bar muscle ups
9 squat snatches

In a 25 minute window complete
6 rounds of
30 Air squats
20 alternating DB snatches (50/35)
10 burpees
Remaining time Max calorie bike or ski

Midline + Cooldown: 2 sets for efficiency
400 m run
30 strict leg lifts (hold onto DB behind your head)
1 minute plank on elbows

12.8.20 Workout of the Day

12.8.20 Workout of the Day

12.5.20 Workout of the Day

12.5.20 Workout of the Day