
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

10.30.19 Workout of the Day

10.30.19 Workout of the Day

Happy Birthday Anthony!

Box Brief

Fall League Week 4 is tonight. Decade theme. Please be on time and dress accordingly.

This is the last Wednesday in which we will not have evening classes. We will be back to normal Wednesday evening classes starting next week.

Thursday is Halloween. We will have normal classes times , however no evening childcare due to trick or treating for the kiddos


"Jack in the Box"
For Time:
1000 Meter Row
50/35 Calorie Erg Bike
10 Bar Muscle-Ups
40 Dumbbell Box Step-Ups (50/35# to 24"/20")
10 Bar Muscle-Ups
50/35 Calorie Erg Bike
1000 Meter Row


Conditioning: 3sets for lowest rep/ station combined (:20/:10)
Tabata 1: jump rope (2:1 singles)
Tabata 2: Single. KB DL (70/35)
Tabata 3: Shoulder taps (lf+rt=1 rep)
-Rest 1 minute after each station-
Midline + Cooldown:: 3 sets of 10 calorie bike /ski +20 glute bridges

10.31.19 Workout of the Day

10.31.19 Workout of the Day

10.29.19 Workout of the Day

10.29.19 Workout of the Day