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10.28.19 Workout of the Day

10.28.19 Workout of the Day


Back Squat: Every 3 minutes complete
10-8-6-4-2, building

Conditioning: “Roadies”
2 RFT of:
70 Wall Balls (50/35)
50/35 calorie row
30 DB Power Snatches (50/35)
15 Bar Muscle ups


For Time:
1000 Meter Run
75 abmat sit-ups
50 burpees box jumps (24/20)
75 abmat sit-ups
1000 Meter Run

Midline: 9 minute EMOM (:40/:20)
Minute 1: leg raises
Minute 2: pushups
Minute 3: Superman

10.29.19 Workout of the Day

10.29.19 Workout of the Day

10.26.19 Workout of the Day

10.26.19 Workout of the Day