
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

12.6.19 Workout of the Day

12.6.19 Workout of the Day

RED Friday’s. Wear your RED and Remember Everyone Deployed.

Flashback Friday 2018 Christmas Party

Save the Date

Christmas Party @ Poseidon Dec. 14
Buffalo Run @ Palmetto Bluff Dec. 15

Box Brief
-December Committed Club is here. Please continue to sign in prior to class. Athletes who check in 20 plus times this month will be raffled off for a free month.

-Hoodie and Long Sleeve T shirt Pre order sheets are on gym whiteboard. Orders will be placed Monday, December 9th at noon.


Tempo Deadlift
7 Sets of 1

5 Seconds Up
5 Seconds Down

"Steam Roller"
For Time:
500m Row/ Erg, 15 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups, 2 Deadlifts
500m Row/Erg, 15 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups, 4 Deadlifts
500m Row/ Erg, 15 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups, 6 Deadlifts
500m Row/ Erg, 15 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups, 8 Deadlifts
1k Row/Erg, 15 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups, 10 Deadlifts

Barbell Pounds: 315/225


Team of 2 Leapfrog 20 minute AMRAP
5 Calorie Echo Bike
15 DB Hang Cleans (50/35)
100 meter sprint

Midline: 9 minutes (:40/:20)
Glute. bridges
Plank to push-up
GHD reverse hyperextensions

5 minute ski or row

12.7.19 Workout of the Day

12.7.19 Workout of the Day

12.5.19 Workout of the Day

12.5.19 Workout of the Day