6.4.21 Workout of the Day
830 RED crew 🇺🇸
Red Friday’s
Wear your RED & Remember Everyone Deployed
Happy Birthday Coach Jeff
June Challenge
Drink 100 oz of water a day.
Kids CrossFit
Kids CrossFit started this week. Ages 5-12, M-W-F for the month of June. Please see Amber to sign up. Session 2 will start in July.
615 Interval class
We have re-added a 615 Interval class starting this week to accommodate more athletes, Monday -Thursday.
1.Strict Press, on the every 2:00.
-All sets are completed based off of 5 RM Strict press.
2. Conditioning, “Everything in Moderation”
200 m run
7 deadlift
7/5 calorie bike or ski
In teams of 3, 30 minute AMRAP
Partner 1:10/7 calorie row
Partner 2: 15 single DB front rack lunges
Partner 3: 20 shoulder taps (lf +rt=1 rep)
-rotate after athletes finish stations-
row sub=200 m sprint