
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

6.3.21 Workout of the Day

6.3.21 Workout of the Day

Murph ladies

June Challenge

Drink 100 oz of water a day.

Upcoming Events

Kids CrossFit
Kids CrossFit started yesterday. Ages 5-12, M-W-F for the month of June. Please see Amber to sign up. Session 2 will start in July.

615 Interval class
We have re-added a 615 Interval class starting this week to accommodate more athletes, Monday -Thursday.

Barbell & Interval
30 minute partner AMRAP
400 m run-together
30 Hang DB snatches (50/35)
20 medicine ball tosses (20/14)

Machine subs: 500/400 m row or 25/18 ski or bike

6.4.21 Workout of the Day

6.4.21 Workout of the Day

6.2.21 Workout of the Day

6.2.21 Workout of the Day