
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

6.29.21 Workout of the Day

6.29.21 Workout of the Day

Best of luck to Juliet on her move to Tennessee,

Today’s Birthday

Stacey Sullivan
Chris Bowen

Independence Day 5K

Our Annual July 4th race is live! Please sign up at

June Challenge

Drink 100 oz of water a day.

Kids CrossFit
Session 1 of CrossFIt Kids has begun. Ages 5-12, M-W-F for the month of June. Please see Amber to sign up. Session 2 will start in July.

615 Interval class
We have re-added the 615 Interval class, Monday -Thursday.

Sign ins
Please all continue to sign in for classes. We will accommodate all athletes.

Gymnastic Conditioning 12 min EMOM
Min 1:5-10 strict dips
Min 2: 5-10 strict T2B
Min 3:25-50 foot handstand walk

“Counter Clockwise”
On the every 7:00 x 3
200 m run + 9 Double DB burpee DL
200 m run + 7 Double DB burpee PC
200 m run + 5 Double DB burpee C&J
(RX DB’s ; 50/35’s)


Team of 2
30 minute leapfrog AMRAP
10 box jumps (24/20)
12/9 calorie row
14 bumper Ground to Overhead (45/25)

6.30.21 Workout of the Day

6.30.21 Workout of the Day

6.28.21 Workout of the Day

6.28.21 Workout of the Day