
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

6.11.20 Workout of the Day

6.11.20 Workout of the Day

400 m run
3 Rounds
12 DL (135/95)
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Jerks

400 m run
3 Rounds
12 DL (135/95)
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Jerks

400 m run

25 minute AMRAP
15 calorie row
15 plank to pushups
15 sit-ups
15 Mountain climbers
Then 14’s of that
Then 13’s of that
All the way to 1
-If complete 1’s, start back at 15-

6.12.20 Workout of the Day

6.12.20 Workout of the Day

6.10.20 Workout of the day

6.10.20 Workout of the day