
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

5.16.20 Workout of the Day

5.16.20 Workout of the Day

Box Brief

Today is our last Saturday quarantine workout. We thank you all for your support, commitment, & patience to CrosFit 843 over the last 60 days. We are super excited to re-open on Monday. Those of you that have not downloaded & signed up for your classes, on MINDBODY, must contact Amber as this is our new Phase 1 mandatory procedure. More videos and procedures will be outlined over the next two days on our members-only Facebook page & on our website. Truly looking forward to seeing all of you on Monday.


For Time:
5K run

5.17.20 Workout of the Day

5.17.20 Workout of the Day

5.15.20 Workout of the Day

5.15.20 Workout of the Day