
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

11.24.21 Workout of the Day

11.24.21 Workout of the Day

Happy Birthday Peter & Tina

Thanksgiving Week Schedule
Our Holiday schedule is posted on the gym whiteboard, on Facebook & Instagram.

Drop ins
Please sign up on the Mindbody app to reserve a spot for class.

Deadlift, on the every 2:00
5x10 @60% of 1RM

Conditioning, “Tosh Row”
250 m row + 3 PC (155/105)
500 m row + 5 PC
750 m row + 7 PC

Conditioning, 30 minute AMRAP
33- 27-21-15-9
Single front rack DB box step ups (35/20)
Single DB Thrusters (35/20)
After every set, 200 m run or 10/7 ski or bike

If you finish round of 9 start over but reverse order rep scheme.

Midline: 2 sets for quality
:30s HS Hold
:60s Wall Sit
:90s Plank

11.25.21 Workout of the Day

11.25.21 Workout of the Day

11.23.21 Workout of the Day

11.23.21 Workout of the Day