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Where Athletes Train.

11.23.21 Workout of the Day

11.23.21 Workout of the Day

Nate, Alexis & crew, Spartan Race.

Thanksgiving Week Schedule

Our Holiday schedule is posted on the gym whiteboard, on Facebook & Instagram.

Drop ins
Please sign up on the Mindbody app to reserve a spot for class.

Strength {15 minute}
Strict Press
5x10 @ 60% of 1 RM.

Conditioning, “Hide & Seek”
Box Jump Overs (24/20)
Thrusters (95/65)

Midline: 3 sets for quality
:30s HS Hold
:60s Wall Sit
:90s Plank

Part A. At the 0:00: Run + Power Cleans
With a 20:00 min cap complete:
800-600-400-200 Meter Run/Row
15 Unbroken DB hang Power cleans
(Weight should be challenging but unbrok

Part B. At the 24:00: Team of 2, 25 minute AMRAP
3 double DB Deadlift (50/35’s)
5 Double DB hang power clean
7/5 calorie row
-Athletes complete full rounds-

Can any team go 25 + rounds?

11.24.21 Workout of the Day

11.24.21 Workout of the Day

11.22.21 Workout of the Day

11.22.21 Workout of the Day