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Where Athletes Train.

11.22.21 Workout of the Day

11.22.21 Workout of the Day

Happy Birthday Cindy!

Thanksgiving Week Schedule

Our Holiday schedule is posted on the gym whiteboard, on Facebook & Instagram.


Run + Power Snatch
4 Sets (Not For Time):
800-600-400-200 Meter Run
15 Unbroken Power Snatches @50-60%

”Good Grief”
5 sets of AMRAP 3
4 Devil’s Press (50/35’s)
6 T2B
24 Dubs
1 minute rest between sets

30 minute ascending ladder AMRAP
10 burpees to 6 inch target
10 medicine ball sit-ups (20/14)
200 m med ball run
12 burpees to 6 inch target
12 medicine ball sit-ups (20/14)
200 m med ball run
14 burpees to 6 inch target
14 medicine ball sit-ups (20/14)
200 m med ball run
{burpees & sit-ups ascend by 2 every round}

11.23.21 Workout of the Day

11.23.21 Workout of the Day

11.21.21 Workout of the Day

11.21.21 Workout of the Day