
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

8.3.23 Workout of the Day

8.3.23 Workout of the Day

๐Ÿ’— The morning crew ๐Ÿ’—

Barbell & Interval
In teams of 2, 40 alternating rounds of:
4 Single DB Front Squats (50/35)
3 Single DB Box Step Overs (24/20)
2 Single DB Thrusters
1 Single DB Devilโ€™s Press

Cash IN & OUT with 800 m run-together.

Please modify rounds & reps for sub 30 seconds per/ round. Time cap: 35 minutes.

8.2.23 Workout of the Day

8.2.23 Workout of the Day

8.1.23 Workout of the Day

8.1.23 Workout of the Day