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Where Athletes Train.

10.16.20 Workout of the Day

10.16.20 Workout of the Day

Box Brief
RED Friday’s. Wear your RED and Remember Everyone Deployed 🇺🇸.

For today, we have added a 930 AM & 415 Barbell class for FOTC competition.

Fittest of the Coast
Week 3 of The Fittest of the Coast 5-week competition starts today. Complete information will be on our Members-Only FB page. All Barbell classes will complete the WOD today in class & on Monday. Those registered will be judged by a fellow athlete during class. Those not registered do not need a judge.

Fittest of the Coast WOD 3
2 RFT of : 20 Box Jump Overs (24/20), 20 Handstand Push-Ups, 20 Box Jump Overs, 10 Bar Muscle-Ups, 20 Box Jump Overs, 20 Ft Handstand Walk 20 Box Jump Overs, 10 Ring Muscle-Ups Time cap: 14 minutes

-All division scaling options will be posted in class, on the whiteboard.-

100 DUB buy in
Remaining time AMRAP
12 DB hang power clean (35’s/20’s)
6 Burpee
Rest 2 minutes
200 m sprint / 300 m ski or row
Remaining time AMRAP
10 DB hang hang power clean and jerk (35/20’s)
5 v-ups
Rest 2 minutes
-Complete this cycle for 3 times-
-Score =Total Reps

10.17.20 Workout of the Day

10.17.20 Workout of the Day

10.15.20 Workout of The Day

10.15.20 Workout of The Day