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10.30.20 Workout of The Day

10.30.20 Workout of The Day

Box Brief
RED Friday’s. Wear your RED and Remember Everyone Deployed 🇺🇸🇺🇸.

For today, we have added a 930 AM & 415 Barbell class for FOTC competition.

Fittest of the Coast
Week 5 of The Fittest of the Coast 5-week competition starts today. Complete information will be on our Members-Only FB page. All Barbell classes will complete the WOD today in class & on Monday. Those registered will be judged by a fellow athlete during class. Those not registered do not need a judge.

Barbell - Fittest of the Coast Final Week 5
10 RFT
9 Thrusters
35 Double-Unders
-20 minute cap-

25 minute Partner AMRAP
60 calorie bike
40 burpees
60 double KB DL (53/35’s)
400 m run
-Partition reps how feel fit, run together-

10.31.20 Workout of the Day

10.31.20 Workout of the Day

10.29.20 Workout of the Day

10.29.20 Workout of the Day