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Where Athletes Train.

5.7.21 Workout of the Day

5.7.21 Workout of the Day

#FlashbackFriday 2019 Fall League. Who is ready to pull some weight tonight ..

Red Friday’s
Wear your RED & Remember Everyone Deployed

May Challenge #MileADayMay
Every day in May, run a least a mile. Before or after class, get with a fellow member & get in some miles. Machines subs: 2K row or 3 mile bike.

Sign ins
Please all continue to sign in for classes. We will accommodate all athletes.

Spring League
Week 3 workout is tonight. Please be on time for your heat.

Friday Evening Schedule
We will have no Friday PM classes due to Spring League, however we will have Open Gym from 415-615 PM on the interval side for those not participating in tonight’s event.

10 RFT
3 Devil’s Press (50/35’s)
6 Front squat (155/105)
9/6 calorie bike or 200 m sprint

Midline: Together

Cooldown: #MileADayMay

In teams of 2, complete 3 rounds for max reps
3 minute AMRAP
Max calorie row
Rest 1 minute
3 minute AMRAP
Max box jump overs (24/20)
Rest 1 minute
3 minute AMRAP
Max KBS (53/35)
Rest 1 minute

-One works, one rests , partition how feel fit.-

5.8.21 Workout of the Day

5.8.21 Workout of the Day

5.6.21 Workout of the Day

5.6.21 Workout of the Day