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9.13.21 Workout of the Day

9.13.21 Workout of the Day

CrossFit 843 crew, Yellowstone National Park

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Back Squat: On the every 2:30

-Percentages listed on whiteboard.-

Conditioning: “Diamond in the Rough”
Ring Muscle ups
Double DB Devils Press (50/35’s)
Double DB box step overs (24/20”)

Conditioning: on the every 5:00 x 7
400 m run or machine or choice
20 KB reverse lunges (53/35)
25 abmat sit-ups

-Score = slowest set-

Midline: 8 minute Static holds (:45/:15)

9.14.21 Workout of the Day

9.14.21 Workout of the Day

9.11.21 Workout of the Day

9.11.21 Workout of the Day