
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

9.14.21 Workout of the Day

9.14.21 Workout of the Day

Congrats to Megan & Nathan on welcoming on their newborn Logan Elizabeth into the world.

Happy Birthday Troy

Sign ins

Please all continue to sign in for classes. We will accommodate all athletes.

Bench Press
On the every 2:30

*Percentages will be listed on the whiteboard*

Conditioning “ Balls Don’t Lie”
Every 2:00 until 150 reps complete:
18/14 calorie Row or machine or choice
Max wall balls (20/14)

30 minute AMRAP team of 2
30 double DB box step overs (35/20’s) (24”/20”)
40 burpees
500 m run
-partition reps evenly, run together.-

9.15.21 Workout of the Day

9.15.21 Workout of the Day

9.13.21 Workout of the Day

9.13.21 Workout of the Day