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5.31.23 Workout of the Day

5.31.23 Workout of the Day

7:00 AM Murph ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

Box Brief
Memorial Day picks are posted on our Members Only FB page. Thank you Jorge @j_vphotography for donating your time to capture this special day!

Wide Grip Bench Press 5x3, building

For Time
10-20-30 Back Rack Lunges (135/95)
30-20-10 T2B

In teams of 2, 3 sets
800 m run
10 Alternating rounds of
4 BBJ-overs (24/20)
8 DB alternating power cleans (50/35)

-Run together, alternate rounds of the couplet, (5 rounds per person each set)

6.1.23 Workout of the Day

6.1.23 Workout of the Day

5.30.23 Workout of the Day

5.30.23 Workout of the Day