
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

7.28.21 Workout of the Day

7.28.21 Workout of the Day

Happy Birthday Uli.

July Challenge
Stretch 10 minutes a day. Everyday,

Kids CrossFit
Session 2 of CrossFIt Kids is in session. Ages 5-12, M-W-F for the month of July. Anyone interested please see Amber.

Sign ins
Please all continue to sign in for classes. We will accommodate all athletes.

Stamina Cycling
For time:
75 T2B

10 Lateral Barbell Burpees, 1 Round of "Macho Man"
10 Lateral Barbell Burpees, 2 Rounds of "Macho Man"
10 Lateral Barbell Burpees, 3 Rounds of "Macho Man"
Continue Adding 1 Round of Macho Man]
RX barbell 155/105

Gymnastic Skill Work: 12 min EMOM (:30/:30)
Min 1:Jump Rope
Min 2: T2B
Min 3: Handstand hold

For time
50 DUBS, 50 DB hang C&J (50/35), 50 sit-ups
40 DUBS, 40 DB hang C&J (50/35), 40 sit-ups
30 DUBS, 30 DB hang C&J (50/35), 30 sit-ups
20 DUBS, 20 DB hang C&J (50/35), 20 sit-ups
10 DUBS, 10!DB hang C&J (50/35), 10 sit-ups

-Cash in & out with 800 m run or 1000/800 m row

7.29.21 Workout of the Day

7.29.21 Workout of the Day

7.27.21 Workout of the Day

7.27.21 Workout of the Day