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8.3.24 Workout of the Day

8.3.24 Workout of the Day

Happy Birthday Jess from the Friday 830!

Barbell & Interval
“Saturday Sweat”
Team of 2, 4 RFT
400 m run-together
20 Sandbag Cleans or Power Cleans (150/100) (185/135) -split
20 Burpee Box Jump Overs (48/40)- split
20 yard sled push (235/190)- you go, I go

Back Squat
On the minute x 10 : 1 Back Squat, building

8.4.24 Workout of the Day

8.4.24 Workout of the Day

8.2.24 Workout of the Day

8.2.24 Workout of the Day