
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

8.29.24 Workout of the Day

8.29.24 Workout of the Day

The Wednesday ladies

Events Calendar
  Our October Events Calendar is posted at the gym. Please be sure to check out all events this upcoming month.

Barbell & Interval
Team of 2, For time
160 Double DB DL (50/35’s)
800 m run
120 Double DB HPC
400 m run
80 Double DB Walking Lunges
200 m run

-Run together, partition reps evenly-

-The focus today is primary “movement.” Smooth & steady and exceptional form on each & every rep.-

8.30.24 Workout of the Day

8.30.24 Workout of the Day

8.28.24 Workout of the Day

8.28.24 Workout of the Day