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8.19.24 Workout of the Day

8.19.24 Workout of the Day

530 AM fellas

Box Brief
Never Miss A Monday. No Excuses. Just Do It.

Back Squat
1 Back Squat on the every 1:30 x 10

On the every 3:00 x 8
7 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
6 Front Squats (135/95)
5 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)
24 Double Unders

5 sets
In a 5 minute window
300 m run
Into remaining time AMRAP of
15 Box Jump (24/20)
12 DB Alternating Snatch (50/35)
9 T2B
-rest 2 minutes after each set-

[After the run, start where last left off.]

8.20.24 Workout of the Day

8.20.24 Workout of the Day

8.18.24 Workout of the Day

8.18.24 Workout of the Day