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Where Athletes Train.

11.23.20 Workout of the Day

11.23.20 Workout of the Day

Happy belated birthday Cindy Taulbee.

Box Brief

Our Thanksgiving Day 5K is this Thursday starting at 8 AM. Please signup on, as registration is still open.

Please all continue to sign in so the coaches have a head count for equipment & class sizes.

Strength: Pausing back squat complex
On the every 2:00 x 5, building in weight
1 pausing back squat (2 sec pause at bottom)
2 back squats
-after every set complete 5-10 strict push-ups-

Conditioning: “Drift Away” 15 minute AMRAP
600 m run
50 DB Hang clean & jerk (50/35)
50 DB reverse lunge (50/35)
50 deadlifts (205/155)

On the every 4:00 x 6 sets
400 m run or row
5 pushups
10 KBS (50/35)
15 air squats
-rest 1 minute after each round-
-Continue round where last left off.-

11.24.20 Workout of the Day

11.24.20 Workout of the Day

11.21.20 Workout of The Day

11.21.20 Workout of The Day