
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

8.17.23 Workout of the Day

8.17.23 Workout of the Day

Happy 45th Birthday Derek Mitchell from your 830 AM class.

Barbell & Interval
Team of 2 AMRAP 30
200 m Run
20 reps Bodyweight movement(s) of choice
20 reps Weight movement(s) of choice
20/14 Calorie Ski or Bike

Today wod is designed to either complete movements that make you happy or choose movements you need work on. Your team may mix & match movements each round. There will be a list of movements to choose from on the whiteboard. Run together, split everything else.


8.18.23 Workout of the Day

8.18.23 Workout of the Day

8.16.23 Workout of the Day

8.16.23 Workout of the Day