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3.19.25 Workout of the Day

3.19.25 Workout of the Day

Happy Birthday Andrew!

[Deload Week]
Power Snatch
On the every minute x 5
1 perfect Power Snatch @65-70%
Directly into
On the every minute x 5
1 perfect Power Snatch @75-80% of 1RM

For time
1 mile Run or row
120ft Bear Hug Sandbag Carry (150/100)
60ft Handstand Walk
180ft Bear Hug Sandbag Carry (150/100)
60ft Handstand Walk
240ft Bear Hug Sandbag Carry (150/100)
60ft Handstand Walk

Team of 2, 4 Rounds for max reps
2 minute max Calorie ski
2 minute max Box Jump Overs (24/20)
2 minute max Bumper G2OH (45/25)
2 minute max Medicine Ball Tosses or weighted sit-ups (20/14)
-2 minute rest after each round-

-Split reps how feel fit.-

3.20.25 Workout of the Day

3.20.25 Workout of the Day

3.18.25 Workout of the Day

3.18.25 Workout of the Day