
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

11.3.21 Workout of the Day

11.3.21 Workout of the Day

515 Interval crew 💥

Halloween Candy Donation

Please bring all candy to the gym by day’s end. . We will take it to Sea Smiles Dentistry to ship over to our troops.

Sign ins
Please all continue to sign in for classes. We will accommodate all athletes.

Deadlift [15 minute window]
On the every 1:30, 5x4 dead stop deadlift @ 68% of 1 RM.
On the every 1:30, 5x4 T&G deadlift @ 73% of 1 RM.

”May I Have Another”
On the every 3:00 x 7
200 m bumper sprint (25/10)
12 T2B
9 Deadlift (185/135)

AMRAP 32: Max calorie machine
[Starting at the 0:00 & on the every 4:00
15 single arm DB/KB thrusters (35/20)
35 DUBS/50 singles

Sprint Grunt Work
12 minute partner 200 m med ball sprints
I go, you go, switch after every 200 meters

11.4.21 Workout of the Day

11.4.21 Workout of the Day

11.2.21 Workout of the Day

11.2.21 Workout of the Day