1.9.25 Workout of the Day
Transformation Thursday. Congrats to Stephanie down 80 pounds since February. “CrossFit, clean eating & ozempic free.” Keep it up girl!
January Challenge
Everyday run 1 mile or complete 100 calorie machine before or after class, not including the workout. These small 1% gains will have impactful long term results if done daily & consistently.
Barbell & Interval
“Thursday Pump”
5-6 sets for quality
10/8 Calorie Ski or Bike
10 Barbell Bent over rows (45/35)
10 Barbell Bicep Curls
10 Barbell Strict Press
10 GHD Sit-ups or v-ups
100 m Farmers Carry (70/53’s)
-Athlete may use DB’s if desired.-