8.3.21 Workout of the Day
830 Summer mom & daughter crew 💗.
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Please all continue to sign in for classes. We will accommodate all athletes.
Power Clean
In a 12 minute window:
10 Rep Max Power Clean (touch & go)
“Power Chord”
10 minute AMRAP
15/12 calorie row + 3 Power Clean (135/95)
15/12 calorie row + 6 Power Clean (135/95)
15/12 calorie row + 9 Power Clean (135/95)
15/12 calorie row + 12 Power Clean (135/95)
{Add 3 Power Clean per round}
2 sets for total reps
Against a 8 minute clock:
50/36 calorie ski or bike
40 sit-ups
then, with remaining time, AMRAP KBS (53/35)
2 minutes rest
Against a 8 minute clock:
800 m run
40 sit-ups
then, with remaining time, AMRAP KB front squats (53/35)
2 minutes rest