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9.25.23 Workout of the Day

9.25.23 Workout of the Day

Saturday 6 AM

Deload Week
Back Squat

2 rounds on the every 3:00
50ft Dumbbell Walking Lunge (35/20)
25ft Handstand Walk

Set 1: Single arm overhead lunge (right)
Set 2: Single arm overhead lunge - other arm (left)
Set 3: Goblet hold lunge
Set 4: Farmers Carry lunge (right)
Set 5: Farmers Carry lunge (left)

A. In teams of 2,15 minute leapfrog AMRAP
9/7 Calorie Bike or Ski
12 KBS (53/35)
15 Airsquats

-Rest 3 minutes then-

B.15 minute leapfrog AMRAP
9/7 Calorie Bike or Ski
12 burpees
15 Jumping lunges

9.26.23 Workout of the Day

9.26.23 Workout of the Day

9.24.23 Workout of the Day

9.24.23 Workout of the Day