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12.27.21 Workout of the Day

12.27.21 Workout of the Day

Sammy & The Byrds

Strength: Power Snatch Complex
In a 15 minute window build for quality
1 snatch grip push press
2 hang power snatch
3 overhead squats

Conditioning, “Red Handed”
3 hang power snatch (75/55)
3 burpee pull-ups
6 hang power snatch (75/55)
6 burpee pull-ups
[add 3 reps after every round]

Run Intervals
600 m run x 3
Rest 1 minute after every run

Conditioning, for time
800 m run
3 Rounds of DB “DT”
800 m run
3 Rounds of DB “DT”
800 m run
3 Rounds of DB “DT”
800 m run

1 round of “DT”
12 deadlifts (50/35’s)
9 hang power clean
6 shoulder to overhead

12.28.21 Workout of the Day

12.28.21 Workout of the Day

12.26.21 Workout of the Day

12.26.21 Workout of the Day