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Where Athletes Train.

10.29.21 Workout of the Day

10.29.21 Workout of the Day

Red Friday’s
Wear your RED & Remember Everyone Deployed.

Fittest of Coast Information
Final week FOTC Week 5 starts today. All registered online athletes we will judged by a fellow member in class on the Barbell Side. Those non-registered athletes will complete the wod without a judge.

Fittest of the Coast Workout 5
For Time [15 minute cap]
21 Ground to overhead (115/85)
21 Deadlift (115/85)
42 pull-ups
15 Ground to overhead (115/85)
15 Deadlift (115/85)
30 C2B
9 Ground to overhead (115/85)
9 Deadlift (115/85)
18 bar MU


3 calorie machine
3 burpees
3 Single DB front squat (50/35)
6 calorie machine
6 burpees
6 Single DB front squat (50/35)
[Continue adding 3 reps]
-Staring at the 0:00 & the every 5:00: complete 300 m run. After the run, continue where you last left off.-

10.30.21 Workout of the Day

10.30.21 Workout of the Day

10.28.21 Workout of the Day

10.28.21 Workout of the Day