
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

10.5.20 Workout of The Day

10.5.20 Workout of The Day

Happy Birthday Heather

Fittest of the Coast
Week 1 Fittest of the Coast WOD Redo will be held in class today for the barbell clssses. Those registered will be judged by a fellow athlete during class. Scores MUST be submitted online by 9 PM tonight. There will be an optional Barbell workout for those not re-doing the workout

Barbell -FOTC WOD Week 1
15 minute AMRAP
20 Wall Balls
20 Calorie Row

VARIATIONS :Rx’d: (Ages 18-54) Men throw 20-lb. ball to 10-ft. target Women throw 14-lb. ball to 9-ft. target Scaled: (Ages 18-54) Men throw 14-lb. ball to 10-ft. target Women throw 10-lb. ball to 9-ft. target Teenagers 14-17: Boys throw 14-lb. ball to 9-ft. target Girls throw 10-lb. ball to 9-ft. target Scaled Teenagers 14-17: Boys throw 14-lb. ball to 8-ft. target Girls throw 10-lb. ball to 8-ft. target 55+: Men throw 20-lb. ball to 9-ft. target Women throw 10-lb. ball to 9-ft. target Scaled 55+: Men throw 14-lb. ball to 8-ft. target Women throw 10-lb. ball to 8-ft. target

On the every 4:00 X 7 sets
8 Devil’s Press (35/20’s)
20 single DB weighted abmat sit-ups
300 m run

10.6.20 Workout of the Day

10.6.20 Workout of the Day

10.3.20 Workout of The Day

10.3.20 Workout of The Day