
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

6.9.20 Workout of the Day

6.9.20 Workout of the Day

Box Brief
843 Family….Greg Glassman’s comments were inappropriate, hateful and disgusting. Our community & fitness family we will not align ourselves with his values & comments. Please bear with us over the next couple days as we navigate through this difficult situation. Our goal is to provide our members the best possible experience, through equality and integrity. Whatever we do, we do right and we have and will always support every member 100 percent. . Thank you all for your understanding during this time, as we will come out of the situation better and stronger than ever. #blufftonstrong

Power Snatch (95/65)
200 Meter Run

2. Rowing Intervals
9 Rounds:
1:40 On
:20 Off

3 minute AMRAP x 7 sets
3 Pushups
6 KBS (53/35)
9 Airsquats
Rest 1 minute after each set

100 strict abmat sit-ups
After every 25 complete 15 weighted glute bridges

6.10.20 Workout of the day

6.10.20 Workout of the day

6.8.20 Workout of the Day

6.8.20 Workout of the Day