
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

11.28.19 Workout of the Day

11.28.19 Workout of the Day

Happy Thanksgiving! Wishing you all a fun, safe, and festive day with family and friends. We are thankful for your commitment, dedication, and trust in our gym. Enjoy!

Thanksgiving Week Schedule
Monday-Wednesday: regular class times, (no 630 AM Wednesday.)
Thursday: 715 and 830 AM (830 Childcare provided)
Friday: 530 AM, 715 AM 830 AM 930 AM ( childcare provided 830 and 930)
Saturday: regular class times
Sunday: Closed

Save the Date

Christmas Party @ Poseidon Dec. 14
Buffalo Run @ Palmetto Bluff Dec. 15

CrossFit and ICT

“The Gobbler”

In teams of 2, for time:
100 calorie row
100 GHD/sit-ups
100 pull-ups/ 40 bar mu
100 calorie ski
100 burpees
100 KBS (53/35)
100 Alt. DB snatches (50/35
100 Box Jumps (24/20)

-Before and after each movement, complete 200 m run with your partner (So 9 total runs). Partition all other reps how feel fit , ideally 50 reps/movement each athlete. One piece of equipment per team per movement.

11.29.19 Workout of the Day

11.29.19 Workout of the Day

11.27.19 Workout of the Day

11.27.19 Workout of the Day