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2.7.21 Workout of the Day

2.7.21 Workout of the Day

Sunday Open Gym 930-11 AM

0-20 min :500/400 m row+ 12 double DB box step overs 50/35s+9 pull-ups +6 squat cleans 135/95

20-28 min rest

28-40 min :Heavy hang clean+front squat+jerk

40-45 minute rest

45-60 min

Gymnastics Work:Muscle up work or handstand walks or peg board.


0-20 minutes

400/300 row or ski +12 goblet step ups with weight of choice

9 ring+rows or strict box pull-ups

6 power cleans 95/65 or weight of choice

20-28 minute rest

28-40 min

Heavy hang clean + front squat+ jerk

40-45 rest

45-60 min

5 minutes pick your skill and maintainable reps


10 minute emom

Of that skill

2.8.21 Workout of the Day

2.8.21 Workout of the Day

2.6.21 Workout of the Day

2.6.21 Workout of the Day