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2.10.21 Workout of the Day

2.10.21 Workout of the Day

Brent… & the short people of 830 😂


Please continue to sign in as this helps us coaches prep for class & for social distance protocol.

February Fitness Challenge 
In addition to our regular class program & in effort to tighten up bellies, grip & mind, on your own complete for quality this month:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday:150 sit-ups 

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday: Accumulate 3 minute plank or bar hang.

:Conditioning: "That escalated quickly”
3 rounds
15 front squat (95/65)

1000/800 m row

3 rounds
12 thrusters

1000/800 m row

3 rounds
9 hang clusters

Midline: Static Position Holds, Accumulate the Following Totals:

A) 2:00 Bottom of Front Squat Hold (95/65) B)2:00 Standing Barbell Overhead Hold (75/55) C)2:00 Bottom of Overhead Squat Hold (45/35)

Conditioning : 6 rounds
1 minute max effort machine / 150 m run 1 minute max effort alternating DB hang snatch (50/35)
1 minute max effort (rd 1: single DB box step ups, rd 2: alternating v-up, rd 3: push-ups
1 minute rest

Midline: Static Position Holds, Accumulate the Following Totals:

A) 2:00 plank B)2:00 Standing double DB Overhead Hold (50/35’s) C) 2:00 hollow hold

2.11.21 Workout of the Day

2.11.21 Workout of the Day

2.9.21 Workout of the Day

2.9.21 Workout of the Day