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10.10.22 Workout of the Day

10.10.22 Workout of the Day

Sunday Fitness Family

Happy Birthday Luke Grogan

October Lift Off Challenge
Starting this Tuesday through month’s end, athletes will find their Cumulative Lift Total: 1 Rep Max Bench,1 Rep Max Back Squat & 1 Rep Max Deadlift. All details will be posted Monday evening on Facebook so stay tuned!

Strength [Deload Week]
Back Squat

“AirHeads Extreme”
12 Minute EMOM x 2
Minute 1: 12 box jumps (30”/24”)
Minute 2: 10 squats + 50 foot walking lunge
Minute 3: 12 burpees to 6 inch target
Minute 4: 150 m sprint

AMRAP 4 x 7 sets (4:00 on/ 1:00 off)
400 m Run Buy In
Remaining Time
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press (Right arm) (50/35)
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press (Left arm) (50/35)
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Snatch (Right arm) (50/35)
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Snatch (Left arm) (50/35)
10 Front Rack Lunges (50/35)
Rest 1 minute after each 4:00

Start round where last left off. Score = Total round & reps.

10.11.22 Workout of the Day

10.11.22 Workout of the Day

10.9.22 workout of The Day

10.9.22 workout of The Day