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9.19.22 Workout of the Day

9.19.22 Workout of the Day

“Here comes the November Bride” Lisa

Fall League Week 3
Workout will be posted on our Members-Only FB page today. All heat requests must be texted by captain to Amber or Martin by Tuesday PM.

Happy Birthday Marsha

Back Squat

“Golden Retriever”
For Time
250 m Row
25 Power Snatches (75/55)
250 m Row
25 Power Snatches (75/55)
250 m Row
25 Power Snatches (75/55)
250 m Row

For Quality
100 Abmat Sit-ups
:30 second plank after every 25 reps

For Time
200 m Run
12 Devils Press (35/20’s)
400 m Run
12 Devils Press (35/20’s)
600 m Run
12 Devils Press (35/20’s)
800 m Run
12 Devils Press (35/20’s)
600 m Run
12 Devils Press (35/20’s)
400 m Run
12 Devils Press (35/20’s)
200 m Run

For Quality
100 Leg Lifts (hold DB behind head on the floor)
:30 second plank after every 25 reps

9.20.22 Workout of the Day

9.20.22 Workout of the Day

9.18.22 Workout of the Day

9.18.22 Workout of the Day