
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

1.7.21 Workout of the Day

1.7.21 Workout of the Day

Back to Basics Barbell Class
Free for all members this Tuesday & Thursday. From 6:15-7:15 PM a “Back to Basics” Barbell Snatch & C&J foundation class in weightlifting area with Coach Farid. Please sign up on our Members Only Page if have interest. Take advantage of this hour to become more knowledgeable & proficient with these 2 movements.

Jumpstart January Weight Loss Challenge
Our weight loss challenge has officially begun. Best of luck to all our participants, as we have over $500 in the pot for winning participants.

Please continue to sign in as this helps us coaches prep for class & for social distance protocol.

1. Conditioning
Team of 2
30 minute AMRAP
40 DB alternating Snatch (50/35)
40 GHD sit-ups
40 Wall balls (20/14)
40/30 calorie machine or 400 m run

1. Conditioning
Team of 2
30 minute AMRAP
40 KBS (50/35)
40 Sit-ups
40 KB reverse lunges
40/30 calorie machine or 400 m run

1.8.21 Workout of the  Day

1.8.21 Workout of the Day

1.6.21 Workout of the Day

1.6.21 Workout of the Day