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11.1.22 Workout of the Day

11.1.22 Workout of the Day

Happy Birthday to Beth & Angel.

November Challenge
The Wounded Warrior Project November Challenge which is comprised of completing 830 burpees throughout the month. 28 burpees a day to raise awareness to help wounded veterans. Before or after class grab a fellow athlete & get it done, 🇺🇸

Snatch Deadlift + Snatch Pull

Teams of 2 For Time
Deadlift (185/125)
Box Jump Overs (24”/20”)
straight into
Deadlift (275/195)
Box Jump Overs (30”/24”)

-One works, one rests, partition evenly.-

4 rounds
400 m Run
40 Walking Lunges
Straight into
3 rounds
300 m Run
30 Single DB alternating Hang Snatch (50/35)
Straight into
2 rounds
200 m Run
20 Calorie Bike or Ski
Straight into
1 round
100 m Run
10 single DB Devils Press (50/35)

This workout is a variation from yesterday’s Barbell workout, one which is extremely effective if scaled appropriately. Goal is sub 32 minutes. Cap is 38 minutes.

11.2.22 Workout of the Day

11.2.22 Workout of the Day

10.31.22 Workout of the Day

10.31.22 Workout of the Day