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Where Athletes Train.

10.31.22 Workout of the Day

10.31.22 Workout of the Day

Happy Halloween from astronaut Joe, and your CrossFit 843 coaches.

October Lift Off Challenge
All lifts must be recorded on the lobby whiteboard by Monday evening. T-shirts will be ordered Tuesday.

Front Squat

4 rounds
400 m Run
40 Air Squats
Straight into
3 rounds
300 m Run
30 Push-ups
Straight into
2 rounds
200 m Run
20 Strict Pull-ups

150 Wall Balls (20/14)
300 DUBS
30 burpee pull-ups

This was the Friday workout on the barbell side. Recommended strategy is 10 sets of 15-30-3 reps of the triplet. 22 minute cap with with the fastest Friday time of 17:15.

Midline & Cooldown
AMRAP 12 for quality
300 m run
20 leg lifts/ knee raises
10 glute bridges

11.1.22 Workout of the Day

11.1.22 Workout of the Day

10.30.22 Workout of the Day

10.30.22 Workout of the Day