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7.17.24 Workout of the Day

7.17.24 Workout of the Day

Tuesday 630 AM bringing the fire this week!

5 sets
Hang Power Clean + 1 Hang Clean + 1 Power Clean + 1 Clean + 1 Push Jerk

Team of 2, 5 RFT
30 Double Dumbbell Deadlifts (50/35’s)
200ft Farmer Carry
20 Double Dumbbell Step Back Lunges
200ft Farmer Carry

(1:00 on / 1:00 off)
In a 40 minute window complete as many rounds and reps as possible
40 KBS (53/35)
40 Sit-ups
40 Box jump overs (24”/20”)
40/30 Calorie Ski or Bike

[Once you finish a round, start over.]

7.18.24 Workout of the Day

7.18.24 Workout of the Day

7.16.24 Workout of the Day

7.16.24 Workout of the Day