
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

7.1.23 Workout of the Day

7.1.23 Workout of the Day

Friday 630 AM

Family Beach Bash
Our 843 Family Beach Bash is today, 11 AM till.. All members may BYOB or a small plate. Any questions please contact Amber or Martin. Looking forward to an epic day of fun!

Barbell & Interval
Team of 2, 5 RFT
24/16 Calorie Bike or Ski
30 Toes to bar
400 m run
50 ft farmers carry (70/50’s) - each athlete

One works, one rests, run together

7.3.23 Workout of the Day

7.3.23 Workout of the Day

6.30.23 Workout of the Day

6.30.23 Workout of the Day